Fresh Marketing Ideas To Ramp Up Your Sales This Summer

Fresh Marketing Ideas To Ramp Up Your Sales This Summer

Summer does not come early in the Philippines, it simply does not leave. It stays warm all-year-round, and we have a hard-wired positive effect when the sun season comes around and the days are longer.

But the weather is a small business bug that silently influences the buying behavior of your customers. Some items on your shelves will be untouched; others will be out of stock because of increasing demand. Too hot to go outside? Your customers would probably just stay in and shop online instead. Who needs faux fur coats or ugg boots or knitted jackets when it’s too hot? Who needs selfie light rings when you can take perfect selfies under the bright morning light?


Do not let the summer season dampen your sales. You don’t need to sweat too much on your marketing efforts. With creative, engaging ideas, your business can stay as hot as the temperature outside. Here’s how:

Get on the road.

When you think about summer, you think about long drives, music festivals, pop-up shops, street foods, and farmer markets. Take advantage of these types of community events and get involved. Inquire within your area about the local fairs available this summer and see if it is something your target market will be interested in. Set up booths or exhibits at those events and introduce your brand to a bigger potential market. People who otherwise would never have come to your physical store will get to know your brand, and you will get to establish a more personal, real-life connection with them.

Take it to the internet!

The internet isn’t the warmest and sunniest place you want to be in this summer season, but your target audience will be crowding online! With school breaks and summer vacations, your customers have more time to be online, thus increasing the chances of being able to engage with them virtually.

Start partnerships instead of competitions.

You are surely not the only store in sales drought this summer season, and it would be wise for you to team up with other non-competitive businesses. You can help each other by giving promo codes or giveaways to your customers, or by offering to provide an additional product or service on top of what your business partner is offering. For example, if you are a hotel company, you can partner up with a travel agency and give your clients discounts when they book their rooms from the agency.

Sale, discounts, and freebies

Who doesn’t like to pay for less? I can’t think of anyone who would refuse a discount, in fact, I even know some people who would delay buying an item until it goes on sale. If all the other marketing efforts fail, this one sure won’t. Once you put up the sign, a stampede of people will be right outside your store.

At Devtac, we know the importance of CRM in business, and we know what will contribute to your business’s growth. As one of the leading Software Solutions Provider in the Philippines, we can help you achieve your goal. Worried your customers aren’t satisfied? Give us a call or send us a message!

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