581x288 Digital Marketing Tactics

Digital Marketing Tactics that You Need to Adopt

Marketing today means constantly coming up with something clever, unique, and creative gimmick to get your audience’ attention. People are always looking for something that’s never seen before, and it’s just getting tougher and more demanding especially with the rapid pace we’re going with the internet.


Marketers believe that marketing strategies have changed more in the past two years than it has in the bast 50 years. And this is mostly because of the presence of the internet and the digital age. It is inevitably bound to change more in the coming years that’s why it is wise for marketers to start embracing and incorporating technology into their businesses.


So how do you start if you want to develop a digital marketing strategy? You start by identifying what your challenges are so you know what it is you need to address. Then, that’s when you start shifting your focus and creativity into a more H2H (Human-to-human) approach to building lasting relationships with your customers.


However, some marketing strategies are not as effective, rendering lesser returns, and only a few hits the bullseye. Here are three of the proven and tested digital marketing strategies that will up your marketing game.


Video is King

Videos that are short, visually captivating, educational yet entertaining, is new the millennial craze. People on the internet just love watching videos that’s why celebrities and brands take advantage of video streaming sites such as YouTube, and social media sites. Engagement rate shoots up when a business uses a video to promote something than any other types of media because a video allows viewers to watch and listen compared to being completely zoned out when reading. For this reason, there is no better way to get that marketing campaign running than through a video.


Influencer Marketing

This isn’t a new Instagram / blogger fad. In fact, we’ve all been unaware and indirectly doing influencer marketing for brands, advertising their products for free! But it’s 2018 and we have finally come to realize that we can make a business out of posing and taking staged-candid pictures with a certain product. Brands will invest a lot of money paying social media influencers and famous celebrities to drive results from organic promotions.


Relatable and Emotionally-Evoking Ads

We all know how important it is to personalize every possible interaction you have with your customers. But if you are trying to get there attention and you want to make an impression, go for ads that “hits home.” People already have a short attention span to begin with and an even shorter memory span. One way to be memorable to your audience is to elicit an emotion from them that they can associate with you. One great example is the Amazon Prime’s ad of a Chinese family where they bought their dog a costume of the baby’s favorite toy to make her play with the dog. Ads like such create an impression and thus retain in the minds of the viewers.


Mastering a digital marketing strategy means that you have to be on your toes and you keep an open mind to the possible trends that might attract more of your target market. Building up your brand name through digital marketing is like swimming in a raging river but going with the trend instead of going against it is how you’ll survive.


At Devtac, we know the importance of CRM in business, and we know what will contribute to your business’s growth. As one of the leading CRM Solutions Provider in the Philippines, we can help you achieve your goal. Worried your customers aren’t satisfied? Give us a call or send us a message.

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